Saturday, September 15, 2007

Wisdom Teeth

On Thursday, September 13, 2007, I had the opportunity to get three wisdom teeth pulled. Okay, I don't know how great of an opportunity it was, but it's over. Back in March, I had to have the first of the four out, so that is why I only had three out this time.

I must say that I'm very glad that wisdom teeth don't grow back in. I would hate to have to go through this all again. Fortunately, the medicines that I'm on haven't made me loopy, much to my family's dismay. I think everyone was looking forward to having me silly and crazy. Oh, well!

My mouth is still very sore and if it weren't for the pain meds, I'd be in a really bad way. It still hurts with taking the pain medicine, but at least it's tolerable. Since getting my teeth out my diet has pretty much consisted of fries and chocolate milk, sometimes mashed potatoes. This morning I even had some scrambled eggs to go along with my chocolate milk. I'm looking forward to being able to open my mouth more than just a finger width. It really cuts down on what you can eat.

1 comment:

Amanda T said...

Hey carrie,
Your mom said that you are doing better. I'm sorry to hear that things were so painful for you with the dry socket. I didn't get that when my wisdom teeth were pulled. I am glad to hear things are going better for you.